The perfect chew toy for your beloved pet: Imagine the combination of a dental product and a toy for your dog, which is what we have in the Arm and Hammer Nubbies Chew Toy with Baking Soda. Toss it across the hall, garden, backyard, poolside, waterpark, and other play areas to keep your dog physically healthy with clean teeth. It is suitable for dogs up to 35 pounds and will be your dogʼs new best friend within no time. Helps remove tartar and plague: Tartar and plague are two negative issues that damage and rot the teeth of pet animals and especially dogs. While humans may have several ways to keep a healthy dental hygiene, this option is not available for dogs. Which is why experts have come forwards with the Arm and Hammer Pets Nubbies Orion Dog Dental Toy with Baking Soda. Infused with mint flavor and baking soda, it helps break down the substances on a daily basis with the help of the rounded cones that encircle the chew toy. While your dog chews all day long, the tartar and plaque buildup ultimately breaks down to reveal healthy teeth over time with the Arm and Hammer Nubbies Chew Toy. Make another pet parent happy: You will always find pet parents on the lookout for ways to keep their furry friends happy. SO imagine their excitement when they find out about the Arm and Hammer Pets Nubbies Orion Dog Dental Toy with Baking Soda. With its multiple benefits and infusions, a regular chewing routine and playtime with their pooch will help reduce mouth diseases, tartar and plagues and keep their dogʼs breath smelling fresh before and after meals. Make a pet parent happy for a birthday and during a festive occasion with the Arm and Hammer Nubbies Chew Toy. (1) A duo use dog toy and breath freshener for dogs. (2) Improves dental hygiene during chewing. (3) Contains mint flavor and infusions of baking soda. (4) Durable, chewy and long-lasting. (5) Break resistant and helps keep teeth clean with regular chewing. (6) The perfect gift for a friendly pooch, for dogs up to 35 pounds.
Brand | ARM & HAMMER |
pa_type | toy |
Производитель | Arm & Hammer |
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