Eliminate the odour and dirt from within the depths of your furry felines luscious coat, using the gentle yet efficient cleaning action of the Arm and Hammer Ultra Fresh 2-in-1 Detangling Shampoo + Conditioner! Consisting of a tailor-made formulation with respect to the texture and features of fur strands, this formulation has a dual action wherein it functions as a shampoo as well as a conditioner, whilst also leaving behind a lingering scent of fresh prickly pear and cucumber. If you are yet to find an efficient cleaning formulation to tackle the pungent pet-odour and the inevitable deposit of dust, dirt, grease and stains, you do not have to look any further as this Arm and Hammer dog shampoo and conditioner is exactly what you need! Irritant Free Formulation: The customized pet-cleaning formulation that comes housed in this package, is an efficient blend of gentle cleaning agents, amongst which baking soda takes precedence. The formulation is of the ideal consistency to enable the efficient seep-through of the liquid into the depths of the fur coat. On its way down, the elements of the Arm and Hammer dog shampoo and conditioner work against the deposits featured in each fur strand, and displace them effectively to bring them to the upper surface, from where the dirtied solution can be efficiently washed off. Also, the shampoo prevents the infestation of unwanted pests and microbes, and also conditions the hair strands to bring them back to their original consistency. Moreover, the formulation is free of harsh chemicals, harmful toxins and major irritants. Prevents Odour: This Arm and Hammer dog shampoo and conditioner has the power to efficiently eliminate the unpleasant stench of sweat featured on your felines fur. The formulation replaces the stench and odour causing elements with particles that give out the refreshing scent of prickly pear and crisp cucumbers. (1) Gentle yet efficient cleaning formulation for fur coats of all kinds of textures and patterns. (2) Ideal for use as a lubricant while detangling the strands of the luscious coat. (3) Eliminates the particles that cause dust, dirt, grease and stench. (4) Leaves a lingering scent of pears and cucumbers. (5) Restores the natural texture of the fur coat.
Brand | ARM & HAMMER |
Volume | 473 |
Производитель | Arm & Hammer |
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