We simply cant get enough of cats; theyre gushingly adorable, but theyre not always easy pets. As much as we love our furry little friends, no one wants to come home to foul odors emanating from the litter box. Even the best litter grains leave behind an odd lingering smell. So, what can you do about it? Bring home a cat litter deodorizer , and youll never have to breathe in foul smells again. The deodorizer works great in cutting through odors and leaves behind a lasting, fresh fragrance. Whether you have one cat or a house full of them, theres no escaping the fact that the smell from the litter box is downright unpleasant. While the house inhabitants might get accustomed to it, unless you want to treat your guests to foul odors, investing in cat litter freshener is a must. These deodorizers work in sealing the smell and emitting fresh fragrance, so its almost as if your home doesnt even have pets. When it comes to choosing a cat litter deodorizer, heres what you need to look for: One, deodorizing action, this is, of course, the most obvious criterion. Two, are dust-free options so that you dont breathe in the chemicals or aggravate respiratory ailments. Three, it needs to be safe for you and your feline friends. Theres one deodorizer that fits all your needs “ the Arm and Hammer Cat Litter Deodorizer. Infused with baking soda, this deodorizer absorbs odors effectively. Its moisture-activated scent ensures a fresh release of fragrance every time the litter box is used. The product is 100% dust free and prevents clumps from sticking to your litter box. Need we say more? Bring home the cat litter deodorizer from Arm and Hammer today! .(1)Eliminates odor instantly (2)Infused with baking soda (3)Moisture activated scent (4)Safe for cats (5)100% dust free (6)Multi cat strength formula.
Brand | ARM & HAMMER |
Производитель | Arm & Hammer |
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