Rapture Messiah / Mexico
* Started as a solo project in 2003 by Gherhald
* 2004 -. Dementor are joined as drummer and guitarist Tyrannus, Gherhald is responsible for bass and vocals.
. – Start the live performances
* 2004.-The first demo ‘Black Death Embrace’ is recorded. (Self-produced)
. — Tyrannus is fired from the group, Dementor leave the band due to personal issues.
* 2005 -.Goreghoul joins the band as the new drummer.
. — The demo ‘Pagan’s in the Fog’ is recorded. (Self-produced)
. — Is presented to the world the opus ‘Invoking the Hell Commanders’ split tape with Abvulabashy (Atolinga Recs, Mexico).
* 2006 -. Goat and Rauss Joining as guitarists.
. Continuing-live performances.
.-The demo ‘Sodomized in the Cross’ is recorded. (Self-produced)
* 2007 -. is produced in the tape version of ‘Sodomized in the Cross’ (Wolfsvuur Rex, Netherlands)
. — to the world is presented the work entitled ‘The Arrival of Satan’s Kingdom’ Split CDr with Black Arts (Neverheard Distro, Hungary).
. Rapture Messiah / Dark Manthra / Eternal: — * 2008 under the label Undermetal Prods (Peru) CD 3 way ‘The Wicked Trilogy’ is released
. — Goat and Rauss are fired.
. -. — Rapture Messiah is consolidated as a duo. Gherhald Bass / guitar / vocals and drums Goreghoul
. — Wolfsvuur Rec (Netherlands) released the tape ‘Terrorism and Live Pervertion’.
Recorded Live December 2006 assault in Mexico!
Due to some problems the concert was played by only two of Rapture Messiah ‘s members, and Goreghoul Gherhald.
* 2009 — Compilation of Their first demo’s. ‘Black Death Embrace’ and ‘Pagans in the Fog’ Is Releases by Wolfsvuur Rec (Netherlands)
Released on vynil-style CD-R in slimline DVD box. Limited to 33 handnumbered copies!
Track 1-6: Black Death Embrace (2004)
Track 7-10: Pagans in the Fog (2005).
* 2010 -. Goreghoul leaves the group.
* 2013 -. Gherhald begins with new compositions.
.-Session musicians were brought together.
. 2014 -The Tape ‘A Decade of Absolute Opposition’ is produced with the following line:
John Empire / Bass
Goat (Ex-Rapture Messiah) / Guitar
Nahual / Battery
Gherhald / Voice…
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Написано Иван Юдин
Иван Юдин
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